venerdì, ottobre 18, 2013

Libri statistica

Ciao a tutti,
il testo di riferimento per lo studio della parte teorica di statistica di questo corso è:

W.J. Metzger: Statistical methods in data analysis

che potete scaricare dalla pagina:

Su suggerimento del prof. Zanotti vi segnaliamo  anche i seguenti libri per la curare la parte di statisica di questo corso:

• J. Orear "Notes on Statistics for Physicists"
si trovano due versioni su internet, la più recente è del 1982 (rewised).

• R. J. Barlow,1a recent text book in the Manchester series. Most of what
you need to know is in this book, although the level is perhaps a bit low.
Nevertheless (or perhaps therefore), it is a pleasure to read.

• Siegmund Brandt,2 a good basic book at a somewhat higher level. Unfortunately,
the FORTRAN sample programs it contains are rather old-fashioned.
There is an emphasis on matrix notation. There is also a German edition.

• A. G. Frodesen, O. Skjeggestad, and H. Tøfte,3 also a good basic text (despite
the words “particle physics” in the title) at a higher level. Unfortunately, it
is out of print.

• W. T. Eadie et al.,4 or the second edition of this book by F. James,5 a book
at an advanced level. It is difficult to use if you are not already fairly familiar
with the subject.

• G. P. Yost,6 the lecture notes for a course at Imperial College, London. They
are somewhat short on explanation.

• Glen Cowan,7 a recent book at a level similar to these lectures. In fact, had
this book been available I probably would have used it rather than writing
these notes.

Davide e Andrea

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